Free Harvard Book Citation Generator

Primary Harvard Citation Book Demands to Know

Harvard citation book approach is surely among those that are better to be aware of and strictly follow. It is easy, in fact, provided that a writer has helpful info and tools about how to arrange each variation of a Harvard reference book citation properly. Here you may find all possible info that may be needed for accurate and effective work.

In a Nutshell: What Is the Harvard Book Citation Style

Harvard style book citation is one of the most widely used in the world, including in Harvard, of course. It is designated to arrange citations in a form accepted in the community, facilitate the research and writing work, and prevent plagiarism as well. 

The general approach for in-text citations is to indicate the surname of an author and the year of publication. These details should be separated by a comma. 

If we speak about the reference, these details are required, and they should be arranged in the subsequent order:

  • surname and initials of an author;
  • year of target publication placed in round brackets;
  • title of target publication (italicized);
  • place of publication;
  • title of a publisher;
  • pages cited.

In the case of web sources, this list has to include the URL and the date of access.

Minor Details of Harvard Citation Edited Book

The format of the Harvard style citation edited book is generally the same but with one distinct feature. After the title of a target book should be placed the phrase “Edited by” and indicate the surname and initials of an editor.

Here is how the example of a target edited book should appear in a text:

Reynolds, K.L. (2022) Small Solutions for Big Problems. Edited by Jacobs, M.T. New York: New Information House.

What if You Need Harvard Citation Book Chapter?

If you have used a chapter of a book for preparing your research work, there is a separate rule applied for the citation of book chapter in Harvard style. The list of details and their consequence is the next in the case with the Harvard citation book chapter:

  • the surname and initials of an author;
  • year of target publication;
  • title of target chapter in quotation marks;
  • title of a target source (italicized);
  • place of publication;
  • title of a publisher;
  • pages used.


Jacobs, L. (2022) ‘Basics of Brainstorming’ in Mind Techniques for Better Productivity. New York: New Information Publisher, pp. 50-75.

Details of Harvard Citation Translated Book

In the case of translations provided, the rule for Harvard style citation translated book has its distinct features. If you want to indicate the correct Harvard citation translated book format, apply this order for arranging all details of a target source:

  • the surname and initials of an author;
  • year placed in round brackets;
  • phrase “Translated from [indicate the language of an original] by [indicate the initials and surname of a translator]”
  • place of publishing;
  • title of a publisher.


Johns, L.H. (2022) Memorizing Techniques Essentials. Translated from Portuguese by K. Reynolds. Los Angeles: New Information House.

Harvard Citation Author in a Book (2+ Authors)

A Harvard citation book with 2 authors is the same as in the case with the standard Harvard citation author in a book. A Harvard citation book with three authors doesn’t have a difference either. But, if the target source has 4+ authors, the first author should be indicated along with the phrase “et al” after it. The rest of the demands are the same as in the general template.

How Does Harvard Citation Online Book Format Look?

Harvard citation online book format is similar to an approach applied to a printed book. But, the link to a target source style (with the word combination “Available at:” before this link) and the date of access are added in this case. Here is how the sample of an online source cited according to Harvard should be mentioned in the reference list:

Johns, K.L. (2022) Techniques of Effective Outlining. Available at: (Accessed: 18 May 2022).

Important Note Once Again:  Harvard Style in Text Citation Book Page Number

The Harvard style in-text citation book page number is always made emphasizing the number of pages. If one page is cited only, “p.” should precede it. But, if a couple of pages are cited, “pp.” always should be used instead of “p.” This rule is frequently neglected, unfortunately. Remember it or use online tools to effectively follow this and other rules.

Helpful Tool at Hand: Harvard Book Citation Generator

If you are experiencing difficulties with highlighting and following rules of Harvard style or are afraid to miss some details to cite, the Harvard book citation generator is a tool that has proven its effectiveness. It arranges all information about the sources automatically with an option for a user to ready the outcomes. Use it to dispose of your time more effectively and prevent possible mistakes or omissions.