​​​​​​​Free IEEE Book Citation Generator

Must-Have Aspects of IEEE Book Citation and Solutions

Need to arrange IEEE book citation? Want to find helpful backup solutions? Find everything you may need here!

What Is IEEE Book Citation in a Nutshell?

IEEE citation format is surely not so widely known and used as APA or MLA, for instance. IEEE is a specific style applied to different technical subjects, including those related to electrical studies and data science. Its title refers to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard – that is why IEEE. The general book IEEE citation format is straightforward and easy to follow. We will review it in a couple of lines below and the IEEE book citation example a bit later as well.

How to Do IEEE Book Citation: Information and Consequence of the Details Needed

This considered IEEE format book citation, in any case, needs a set of information to arrange citations to sources well, namely these details:

  • initials and last name of an author(s);
  • added “ed(s).” if the authors of this sources are its editors also;
  • title of a target book italicized and with all important words capitalized;
  • number of a target edition;
  • place of publication;
  • title of a publisher;
  • year of target publication;
  • page numbers.

For online sources, URL and the date of access are required also.

IEEE Format Book Citation Basic Example

A general IEEE citation book example should appear in a target text with the subsequent order of details:

K. Reynolds, Technical Equipment for Manufacturing Basics. New York: Scientific Publishing, 2022.

IEEE Citation Online Book Basic Template

If you have got a task of arranging the information about this kind of online web source, the IEEE citation online book should appear in this form:

  • first name, middle name initials, and the last name of an author;
  • title of your target online book (italicized);
  • place of target publication;
  • title of a publisher;
  • year of publication;
  • word “Available:” + URL itself
  • date of your access.

Example for a quick reference:

R. Danes, Modern Ways for Preventing Air Pollution, New York: Scientific Technologies, 2022. Available: https://www.scientifictechnologies.com/articles/modern-ways-for-preventing-air-pollution [Accessed: 18 May 2022].

Rule to Arrange Proper IEEE Citation Book Edition

If you have a task to arrange a book that has an edition, the IEEE citation book edition format applicable in this case has the subsequent form:

  • author’s initials and last name;
  • title of a target book (italicized);
  • number of an edition and volume;
  • place of target publication;
  • title of a publisher;
  • year of publication;
  • page(s).

Here is how a concrete example should appear in this case:

R.K. Reynolds, Engineering Essentials: Historical Perspective and Modern Approaches,  2nd ed., vol.2. New York: Scientific Publishing, 2022, pp. 30-35

Rule Applied to IEEE Book Chapter Citation

If you have a source where you refer to a separate chapter in your research, there is a rule to arrange IEEE book chapter citation is general but with a cited chapter added only, like in this example:

A.L. Johns, “Modern Engineering Highlights”, in Technical Guide Book, vol. 3. New York: Scientific Publishing, 2022, pp. 30-35

IEEE Citation Format Book Pages Requirements Once Again

Pages indicated wrongfully are among the most common mistakes made while arranging citations according to the IEEE format. If a user refers to one page only, it should be provided in the next form “p. 1”, for instance. But, several pages that have to be cited have “pp.” before the number of pages but not “p.” Remember this important rule for IEEE citation format book pages.

Several Authors Book Citing IEEE

The rule applied, in this case, is similar to an example with one author. But, if the number of authors is less than six, all such authors should be listed in a reference. If the number of authors exceeds the number of six, only the first author is mentioned with the phrase “et al.” nearby. Here are concrete examples of how citations should appear in texts in these cases.

Three authors book citing IEEE example:

  • initials and the last names of all authors in the consequence as they appear in a target book cited;
  • title of a target book (italicized);
  • number of edition;
  • place of publishing;
  • title of a publisher;
  • year of publishing.

J.L. Simons, K.L. Reynolds, and J.K. Richards, Electricity Essentials, 3rd ed. New York: Scientific Press House, 2022.

An example of a book with 7 authors should be indicated in the bibliography using this sample for quick reference:

K.L. Reynolds et al., Environmental Protection Basics in Engineering. New York: Scientific Press House, 2022, pp. 210-2016.

Having Troubles? IEEE Book Citation Generator Can Help

Arranging all citations is a time-consuming thing that strongly needs attention to all details…that are missed sometimes, unfortunately. Luckily, these troubles and inconveniences can be avoided thanks to the IEEE book citation generator.

This is an automated tool that works according to the predefined algorithms based on all rules of IEEE standards. A user needs only pick the type of source and provide in the respective fields all details related to it. The rest of things IEEE citation maker book will arrange independently. Make your writing work more effective and less time-consuming.