Free Harvard Website Citation Generator

Peculiarities of Harvard Citation Website Style

Writing is one case. But, arranging proper formatting is a totally different story. In each case, there is a separate set of rules applied to make all writing and formatting things well done. We call such formatting styles. Many students are aware of APA, MLA, and, of course, Harvard formats. These are the most widespread and well-known ones. In this article, you will reveal the info about some specific cases of the Harvard citation website. Yes, online sources, even if they lack dates and authors, should be also cited. Let’s find out how to do this right. But, the basics will surely go first.

Harvard Referencing Website in Text Citation: General Remarks

As with any citation approach, the Harvard citation style is designated to reach many goals. The approach is aimed at facilitating research effort and presenting ideas, preventing plagiarism, and reaching better effects by researchers thanks to their writing. It introduces the set of uniform rules applied to make all in text citations to various resources, online among others, provided according to the standards common for researchers. What may this be? 

We are speaking about ideas, quotes, and findings that are feasible to support the independent conclusions of a researcher in the first turn. What sources can be mentioned? These may be books, newspaper and blog articles, videos, podcasts, and other materials, again even including online ones. The purpose of Harvard referencing website in text citation is not only to follow generally-known standards but also to prevent breaching any copyright legislation. 

The general template of the Harvard citation website format includes this data:

  • surname of an author;
  • year of the target publication;
  • title of a target webpage (in italics);
  • word combination “Available at:” and URL;
  • date of the latest access (day, month, year).

Now, let’s review concrete Harvard citation website examples.

Concrete Samples How to Cite a Website Harvard in Text Citation and References

If a writer has a task on your table to arrange in text citation Harvard website, this endeavor needs to be accomplished in line with the subsequent example:

  • (White, 2022)

The website citation Harvard example of reference should be introduced in a concrete text in this straightforward manner:

  • Google (2022) Privacy Policy. Available at: (Accessed: 17 May 2022)

If a principal target for a writer is to emphasize the blog post information, the website citation Harvard style is the following one:

  • name(s) or author(s);
  • year of target publication or its last update (indicated in brackets);
  • title of a target webpage (provided in italics);
  • word combination “Available at:” long with a target URL (the date of access should be provided as well).

Sample of blog post to be mentioned in a text:

J.White (2022) says….

Example of blog post introduced in the form of reference:

White, J. (2022) The basics of cultural analysis. Available at: (Accessed: 17 May 2022).

Specific Case #1: Harvard Citation Website No Author

If you are experiencing any troublesome issues with arranging the Harvard citation website no author, except for the details that are required to be introduced, the following things have to be stated in the next consequence:

  • corporate author (organization) instead of an individual author;
  • title of target source;
  • year of target publication;
  • word combination “Available at:” provided along with URL;
  • date of access.

Citations included in a text directly have to be arranged in this simple form:

(GDPR, 2022)

Here is how the approximate reference of Harvard style citation website no author should be introduced:

GDPR (2022) Privacy Policy. Available at:
https// (Accessed: 17 May 2022)

Specific Case # 2: Harvard Citation Website no Date

If you aimed to arrange Harvard citation website no date, a simple algorithm for indicating the details for in-text citation has to be applied:

  • title;
  • word combination “no date.”


(Cambridge Dictionary, no date)

The target reference should also include the URL and the date of access. Consequently, this target  reference has to be arranged in this way:

Google (no date) First remarks on doing effective research. Available at: (Accessed: 11 April 2022).

One More Example: Harvard Citation Style Website Newspaper Article

The demands for Harvard citation style website newspaper article are subsequent:

  • surname and initials of an author;
  • year of target publication (introduced in parenthesis);
  • title of a target article;
  • title of target newspaper website (highlighted in italics);
  • date of target publication;
  • word combination “Available at:” and URL;
  • access date: day, month, year.


White, J. (2022) “Daily Essentials for Healthy Life”, The Daily Reviewer, 10 April. Available at: (Accessed: 11 April 2022).

Helpful Tool in Case of Troubles: Website Citation Harvard Generator

If you are experiencing troubles with formalizing all citations according to the demands of Harvard format, there is no need to waste time and, probably, your grades. Website citation Harvard generator can facilitate your life and writing effort a lot. This tool is an automated one operating in line with the internal algorithms and knows the demands of this style entirely. It presents all sources clearly and accurately according to the details provided by you. 

How is its work arranged?

  • choose a style you need;
  • opt your source (book, article, newspaper, or other);
  • select automatic generation or pick an option to edit your citation;
  • check all respective citation fields;
  • generate the citation itself and add it to your reference list.

Easy? Apply this tool for effective references and in-text citations compliant with the Harvard style demands.