Finding and using the picture for your academic paper can help in making your content distinct. Such pictures can also help reviewers to grasp your opinions easily. Still, if you use any images created by somebody else, you need to cite them according to one of the common standards.
The APA format is prevalent. So, it is necessary to be aware of proper citation rules that APA has. Such requirements cover the citation of many elements, including photos and images. In this article, you will find out how to cite an image in APA correctly.
How to Cite Pictures in APA: Important Copyright Warning
Before we provide you specific information about how to cite pictures APA, we need to tell you about copyright. It emerges immediately after the creation of any picture. So, you cannot freely use any picture from Google without its citation.
As one of the types of citation, APA image citation is required because using an image from any website without citing breaches law. Yes, it is. You may not also use any images for any commercial purpose without paying money to its owners. So, proper APA image citation is strongly required.
More about a Proper APA Picture Citation
If you have noticed a picture you want to include in your content, you need search particular information about it for a proper APA picture citation, including:
- full name of a person who has produced it (a creator in the info about this picture);
- the entire title of this image or [concise description] if there is no title;
- title of the web resource from where you have downloaded this image;
- title of that website where you have found this picture (publisher);
- year of publishing of this picture;
- link (without a period after it).
And here is how to cite a picture from Google:
- Last name and initials of a person who has created it.
- Publication year for your target image.
- Title of your target image [specification: photo, painting, cartoon, etc.].
- The title of source for this image.
- Link.
Here is one example of how to cite an image in APA:
System of Education (2020). Statistics chart [Picture]. Google Images. https://www.google.com/images/the-system-of-education-statistics-chart-orders/?ugm_term=.09tac7bf14e4
Note that in case of difficulties with citing any sources, including images, you may always use citation generators to facilitate your life. The only thing you need to do is to place all info about the picture you have, and all other work will be done shortly without extra effort from your side. Try these tools on your own.